Complain addressed to the Ombudsman for non treatment with a meal to the employees of State Police

Complain addressed to the Ombudsman for non treatment with a meal to the employees of State Police

Albanian Police Union is engaged to the defence of socio economical interests of the employees of State Police.

In this framework the Union is interested to the realisation of the acts which regulate the right of police employees to be treated with a meal for free. This is a full juridical base for this, being more concrete:


1. The decision nr. 494 date 01.08.2007 of Council of Ministers “For the approval of free meal treatment norms for employees of state police, cadets in police schools and detained citizens until the clarification of their status, point 1 and 4 of this decision.

2. Order nr. 432. date 10.03.2008. of the Minister of Interior “For free treatment of employees of state police” point 2 and 3.

3. Joint order nr. 76/1 date 24.01.2008 and nr. 293/1 date 31.01.2008 of the Minister of interior and Minister of Health ‘For the approval of free meal treatment norms for employees of state police, cadets in police schools and detained citizens until the clarification of their status .”

Referred to the above mentioned acts the employees of state police benefit the right of treatment for free for a meal “Lunch”. In police structures which they do not have the opportunities to prepare this meal this is to be compensated with leke according to the value of the portion for the meal ‘Lunch” approved by the Minister of Interior.

Actually apart from the Special Forces and RRF and the Police Education Centre and the detained citizens while all the police employees since 2008 are not treated according to the above mentioned acts. According to the calculations the sum for this treatment achieves up to 7 thousand Albanian lek and the number of untreated police employees is more than 5000 persons.

We have had a correspondence for this matter with the General Director of State Police and the Minister of Interior as well.

So we ask from you to intervene exercising your power to the solution of this problem