Press Release


Tirana on 20/07/2014


Press release



Police Union has tried several times to convince the leaders of State Police and the Ministry of Interior making them to communicate in an institutional way for the fullfillment of its obligations according to the Status and Collecetice Labour Contract.


In order to realise those obligations of the employer the Union is addressed in all the cases to the General Director of State Police, Minister of Interior but up to now all those requests have fallen to a deaf ear.


The fact that those problems have been addressed to the structures of European Police Union makes the reaction of the respective institutions which have legal obligations to collaborate for all the problems addressed by the Union.


Besides the cases of non information by the employer for all the problems of working relations of the employees as layoffs, transfers and admissions to the police, disciplinary measures etc for which we as a Union addressed to the court as well, the last flagrant action of the General Directorate of State Police which finally detaches the relations with Police Union is issuing of an ilegal order for removal of the offices under the use of the Union without negotiating for other working facilities as it is foreseen in the previous order of the General Director of State Police for more than four years.


Under such conditions the police employee is “protected” only by the General Director which is responsible for all the above mentioned actions. Albanian State Police Union being part of of the European Police Union (CESP) has asked from all sisters unions and other represenatives in the European Council to be strongly supported aiming to change the situation in the favour of police employees.


The fact that we as a Union are not invited to take part with our representatives in the groups working for the compiletion of the draft law for State Police as well as layoffs and transfers from the duty of some regional leaders of the Union shows quite clearly that those actions are not taken at random. The changes done to the law in the chapter dealing with relations between the employer and the employee is against the rights being entitled by the previous law and under such conditions we have to do with a stap backward in relations of the rights of police employees and union organization.


Also, we attract the attention of two international structures attached to our State Police , PAMECA IV and ICITAP which were not going to give their approval for the new law of police without consultations with the Union meanwhile they were informed about the frozen relations between the Union and the General Directorate of State Police. We asked by those two structures to advice the leaders of State Police and of Ministry of Interior to re-establish the working facilities to the Police Union witht the same conditions as their facilities (PAMECA IV, ICITAP and OSCE) near General Directorate of State Police.


Related to our concern the Deputy Chairman of INGO-es near the European Council and at the same time Secretary General of CESP, Mr. Gerard GRENEROM asking for the reaction of the general Director of State Police and the Minister of Interior. He has addressed a letter to Mr. Saimir TAHIRI and Mr. Artan DIDI asking for a solution to this situation (attached you will find the orginal letters)


Police Union is prepared to protect the rights of its members using all the democratic means foreseen by the law and Constitution.



Sadetin FISHTA