About the relations and cooperation between the Union and General Directorate of State Police

Tirana, on 18.02.2014


 Subject : About the relations and cooperation between the Union and General Directorate of State Police

To :                                                             Mr. Artan DIDI

GD of State Police


Cc:                                                              PAMECA IV Mission

ICITAP Program


Mr. Director!


Albanian Police Union in accordance with the object of its activity defined in its Statute since the very moments of its creation has been focused on protection of the rights and social-economical intersts of its membership.


In order to make possible the fulllfillment of its mission we as a Union have done our maximal attempts by cooperating mainly with the General Directorate of State Police and foreign missions atatched to our State Police as ICITAP Program and PAMECA missions and with CESP (European Union of Police Unions) where we are members since 2010.


As a result of this cooperation we reached several objectives and more concretely :


Under the monitor of mission PAMECA III and ICITAP program we have established the temporary common commission in the Central level between the Albanian Police Union and General Directorate of State Police which have procedeed several important topics to the coordination of the work of thesed two institutions in the interest of police employees.


We want to mention out as our main achievements:

  1. Preparation and signiture of Collective Contract which was finalesed on April 04 2009 where are foreseen all the obligations and rights between both parts which are as follows:

a)    Establishment of normal working conditions for the Chairmanship of our Union

b)   Fullfillment of membership fee obligation in the defined time table into the Union bank account by the Financial sectors of police

c)    Salaries and social insurance of police employees

d)   The guarantee of working position for the elected representatives of the Union in all levels for a normal function of the trade union activity etc

  1. Nomination by the General Director of a contact person in the level center fujnction which ios exercised by the Deputy General Director
  2. Preparation and ongoing of the signing proces of Individual Contracts which is done but a coppy is still not yet handed over to police employees as a legal obligation defeined in the Law for State Police and the Regulation of personnel of State Police.
  3. Realisation of the Report on financial treatment of police employees for the period 2003 – 2010
  4. Participation of the Union in working groups for:

a)    Drafting of politics for the problems and economical, social, health and proffesional rights

b)   Participation in the monitoring of implementation in central and basic level (mainly to the evidence of supplementary working hours and night hours as well, annual leaves and per diems)

c)    Participation in the Disciplinary Commission as legal representatives of police employees

d)   Revising of working conditions

  1. Including Albanian Police Union into the working program of PAMECA mission


In the meetings of Temporarily Commission we have discussed all the obligations of the General Directorate of State Police expressed in the Collective Contract and Individual one where according to the prblems discussed there have been present rendering their contribution leaders of regional directorates.


It is worthy mentioned that the monitoring from PAMECA and ICITAP has been a countinous and effective one in all the above mentikoned meetings.



Evaluating the above mentioned activity we ask for a positive reaction form your part pertaining our requests in the frame of this practise by the entire administration of State Police.


We want to stress out that the cooperatikon between the Union and General Directorate of State Polioce are almost absent since November 2013 and on thus violating the requests foreseen in the Collective Contract, precisely with the article 11 where is clearly defined that “ Union representatives are not limited to the information related witht he rights of the Union members”


So we ask :

  1. To organize a common meeting of the Temporarily Commission between the General Directorate of State Police and Union (according to the previous practise, a meeting in two months). This commissikon will analyse:

a)    Information about the dismissals and transfers of police employees due to teh structural changes or for other reasons

b)   Reasons of non paying of the perdiems and supplementary hours for more then one year

c)    Implementation of weekly working norma (extra working hours)

d)   Hiring of inner premises inside police institutions for economical benefits

e)    Annual rewards at the end of the year accordidng to the definition of the law for State Police

f)     The absence of delivery of Individual Contracts

g)    Participation in the working groups for drafting of the new police law

h)   Information about other requests addressed by the Union in an official way to the General Directorate of State Police

i)     Life insurance due to the accidents for police employees of operatikonal structures

j)     The problem of civilian uniforms for police employees of crime investigatikon structures.


In the framework of our complaints we want to know who will be the respective authority nom inated by you as a contact person with the Union aiming to define our meetings for different problems of mutual interests.


We hope in your engagement aiming to realise the requests with mutual interests


Thanking for your cooperation,



Sadetin FISHTA