Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat addressed to the Ombudsman

Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat addressed to the Ombudsman

Tirana, on 28.05.2012

Honoured Ombudsman!

Based on two complains received in the address of Albanian Police Union and more concretely the complain by Deputy/commissar Jonida Burba, in the function of boot controller at Rinasi police commissariat which at the same time is the General Secretary of the Union and the complain of Deputy/commissar Hatixhe Dulellari in the function of boot controller in the same commissariat we are asking your support and urgent intervention near the General Director of State Police, Mr. Hysni Burgaj and the Minister of Interior, Mr. Bujar Nishani to react towards the Decision nr. 44,dt. 18.05.2012 given by the Appeal Commission at the General Directorate of State Police for collective disciplinary measures ” For rank reduction for 6 months” for the above mentioned police employees ( where for an unproven case 8 police employees were punished at the same time)

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Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat

Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat addressed to the General Director of State Police,Mr. Hysni Burgaj

Tirana, on 22.04.2012

Police Union has received some complains from police employees of Rinasi police commissariat about some unfair disciplinary measures given to them in a collective way.

Continue reading Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat