Complain for some collective measures at Rinasi police commissariat addressed to the General Director of State Police,Mr. Hysni Burgaj
Tirana, on 22.04.2012
Police Union has received some complains from police employees of Rinasi police commissariat about some unfair disciplinary measures given to them in a collective way.
According to written papers that we have at our disposal it results that these disciplinary measures are not documented ones and no convincing at all.
We do consider these collective measures as serious infringement of the rights of police employees which do not aim to the indeed whitening of the infringements done there but on the contrary they do aim to hide them which on its turn is a dangerous precedent to the police work. Distribution of responsibility as a method to justify the real authors of these infringements it is not fair but on the contrary such a method of solving the problem may hide the real authors and would lead to serious consequences.
We note that Jonida Burba with the function of bot controller and at the same time General Secretary of the Union has raised time after time problems to the way of work organisation and infringements of this nature up to higher instances of State Police and this leads to disciplinary measures, denigration tendency to her.
The disciplinary measure to Jonida Burba nad Hatixhe Dulellari is not in conformity with the disciplinary regulation because in the final report and the decision for these disciplinary measures there is no proof against them so we think that we have to do with misinterpretation and abuse in this case.
We ask the removal of the disciplinary measure for Jonida Burba and Hatixhe Dulellari as undocumented ones and not based on proofs.