Deputy of Tirana regional Police Directorate and responsible for CID.

                                                     Tirana on 09.12.2011

Albanian State Police Union get acquainted with the Goth attempted attack against police uniform an concretely the explosive put at the house of Chief Commissar Dorian MUCA, at the same time 

Based on this event we condemn the violence towards any police employee and at the same time we are close to each employee who are prey because of their tasks executed during their carrier at the service of community.

We ask from the higher structures of State Police and Prosecutor office of Heavy Crimes to investigate for a full documentation of this criminal event and the detection and arresting of the author. We ask to be put at the disposal of the investigation the best logistic sources and means aiming to sent in front of justice the criminal and of this event. At the same time we are confident that the community will collaborate and help in the fight against crime at any time and any way.

The attempted attack against Chief commissar Dorian MUCA and his family shows once again the daily risk that the police employees face up in their sublime task where up to now we have over 240 police employees rendering their life to the service of community.

Albanian State Police Union expresses its regret for the serious event thus solid arising with all the police employees committed in the fight against any form of crime without any compromis