SUBJECT: Information about monitoring of relations between Albanian Police Union, General
Directorate of State Police and Ministry of Interior
TO: Commission of European Union for Albania
Near the HQ of European Union – Brussels
CC: Minister of Interior
General Director of State Police
Albanian State Police Union
Honored , Mr. Commissioner
Honored, Members of Parliament of European Union.
In the framework of the continuous requests of European Union for the implementation of the Law “For public administration” for a security of the employee of the public administration and for the employees of state police in Albania there is present and under function the Agency of Treatment of Juridical Services, which under the mission of European Union in Albania during the continuation of the mission approved by EURALIUS and presently with the termination of the mandate in Albania there is the task of our Agency (ATJS) to cover the respect of the freedom and fundamental rights which derive mainly from the Social European Chart.
Recently we have been informed by the Albanian Police Union verbally and in a detailed way about the activity of Albanian Police Union and the partially interruption of the relation of the Union with the General Directorate of State Police, the late one on its own, and with the Ministry of Interior as well also these relations are formulated by a Collective Contract and being approved by the normative acts of the country.
It results that concrete actions undertaken by the GD of State Police have violate the independency of the Union thus violating its rights named by the law as dismissals from work of employees of State Police, their participation in drafting different laws and normative acts and changes in police structure and the implementation of these changes into practice, providing of favorable working conditions and for a normal function of the Union and realization of those Statutory obligations of the Union in the protection of the freedom and rights of police employees by taking off the offices and working facilities which were entitled to the Union since its creation according to the legislation in power in Albanian.
Lastly, b y the lawmakers based on the proposition of the executive the presence of one Union is denied enabling the police employees to organize in a Union under their own will but this will serve as a moment of exercising pressure on them aiming to violate their trade union freedom as a Constitutional fundamental freedom.
We inform you that in the Republic of Albania it is needed that the employees of State Police have to have at least a Union without limited the trade union right for other homologues unions, but taking into consideration the nature of the work of police employees of State Police and the nature of their working relations, they need to enjoy protection against violations of the leading administration of the politics and State Police where the trade union freedom must be seriously violated as it is not going to be possible the trade union organization without the obligatory existence and defined in the law at least of a Union which toady is under function according the laws in power.
Lastly, we inform you that there is signed a cooperation agreement between Albanian Police Union and ATJS where under the common assistance of the two organisms we are closely watched the implementation of Social European Chart for police employees of State Police where the existence of the union is under real and serious threat by the disinformation on relations between the Union and General Directorate of State Police and Minister of Interior.
With our highest consideration.
With respect.