63 Rue Bossuet – F-69006 LYON – Téléphone (+33) – Mobile (+33)
E-mail : secretaire.general.cesp@cesp.eu
Conseil Européen des Syndicats de Police
Organisation Internationale Non Gouvernementale au Conseil de l’Europe
RE: SEC. GEN. n° 232 / 2014 Lyons, 11July 2014
Ref: SPP SH’s offices
Mr. General Director of State Police,
Our organization, the European Council of Police Unions, has already contacted the Albanese authorities last April 16th 2014. Our point was about the way Albanese police was treated, and the respect of collective bargaining and the law in the relations between Albanese authorities and those who are in charge of the security of your citizens.
Our colleagues of Sindikat Punonjesve te Police Shtetit now inform us the offices they used to work, in the premises of Police Commissariat n° 1 in Tirana, for this democracy mission that is unionism, are retired to them.
Mr. General Director of the state Police, I would like, as the Secretary – General of the European Council of Police Unions, to address you personally:
– How is it possible, in a country which received last June 2014 the statute of candidate of membership of the European Union, to deprive of basic means the ones who do so much for their country?
– How is it possible to congratulate those who are able to dismantle human trafficking, able to realize one of the most important cannabis seizure, and in the same time to treat them as second-class citizens?
You know how risky the police job is, you know signs of recognition are important. In the past, some agreements had a good impact not only on the police officers ‘wages but mostly on their feeling of belonging and ownership of their mission.
Mr. Artan DIDI
General Director of Albaninan State Police
Minister i Brendshem
Bul. Deshmoret e Kombit
At this stage of the process of the entry of your country in the European community, all the national stakeholders have an interest in respecting the texts your Albania has already signed, such as the European Social Charter. Otherwise participants of the European discussions – such as the European Council of Police Unions – won’t be able to stay silent before the official negotiations effectively start in 2015.
The cardinal value of European Union is the rule of law.
Mr. General Director, please invite your authorities to respect the European social values, starting by those who, maintaining an orderly society, contribute to the image Albania will show to the European Union.
The European Council of Police Unions, present in the Council of Europe, close to the European authorities, will -if necessary- broadly communicate about the harassment suffered by your police representatives.
Please accept, Mr. General Director, our salutations.
Secretary – General