Request on proposals about some changes of “State Police” law, addressed to Mr. Spiro Ksera, Minister of Labour and Equal Chances and Social Affairs
Tirana, on 22.06.2012
Albanian Police Union being part of the working group for revising the State Police law under the monitoring of ICITAP and based on the letter nr. 880, dt. 01.06.2011 of the Minister of Labour and Equal Chances and Social Affairs addressed to the Minister of Interior it is said that ILO has addressed some warnings about the law nr. 9749, dt. 04.06.2007 “For State Police” for ignoring the right of police employees to create other trade unions and that this is against the article 5 of Social European Chart revised.
Based on this the Albanian Police Union is directly interested for this material offered by ILO mainly for the part dealing with the law and especially for the articles speaking about employment and for police union.
At the same time we have sent a letter for our information to CESP (Bashkimi i Sindikatave Europiane Policore,) as members with full rights of this organisation since 2009 and this letter is addressed to the Secretary General , Mr. Gerard Grenerom, which at the same time is deputy chairman of European Committee for NGO-s, to clarify us for this problem