Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter
Der Bundesvorsitzende
Mr. Edi RAMA – Prime Minister Berlin, 15/08/2014
Kryeminister I Qeverise se Shqiperise
Bul. Deshmoret e Kombit
Situation of Albanian Police Union – SPP SH
our organisation, the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter – BDK, is a full member of the CESP – European Council of Police Trade Unions, an international non-governmental association (international NGO) of the Council of Europe.
This letter is to inform His Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, of our organisation’s total solidarity with the Albanian Police Union – SPP SH and it`s President, Mr. Sadetin Fishta.
Our Albanian partner union just informed us about unfair dismissals (several hundred of Police officers) by the new General Director of the State Police, supported by the Minister of the Interior, and regular violations of the Collective Agreement ruling the rights of the State Police’s employees.
Some days ago, our Albanian colleagues were brutally deprived of their office, which is located in the Central Commissariat of Tirana.
Last, under the pretext that the Collective Agreement is in a phase of revision, the authorities forbid the Union SPP SH to collect their fees as they have done to date; it’s to say by a deduction made from employees ‘wages.
Excellency, as President of the BDK I am deeply worried about what I heard of this situation at Albania!
At the end of 2015 the negotiations about a membership of Albania in the EU are going to start. For any future member of the EU the respect of trade union rights should be minimum standard. The free work of unions is one of the basic aspects of a democratic society and therefore accepted in the whole EU.
The BDK and its` members therefore urge you, Excellency, to stop immediately all those unfair actions of the new General Director of the State Police and bring back the police forces of Albania and its`union SPP SH to the European way of partnership.
The BDK and the other members of CESP will closely monitor the situation of our Albanian friends and inform our national governments about the current situation until and during the negotiations about an Albanian EU-membership.
Sincerely yours
André Schulz
President of BDK