In the environment of Police Formation Centre was presented the activity of Woman Forum of Albanian State Police Union.
There were present in this activity the Chairman of Albanian State Police Union, Mr. Sadetin FISHTA, Deputy Inner Minister Mrs. Iva ZAJMI, the head of OSCE in Albanian Mr. Eugeen WOLLFARTH, General Director of State Police Mr. Hysni BURGAJ and other senior representatives of State Police an other invited persons.
In her speech held at this activity the Deputy Inner Minister, Mrs. Iva ZAJMI considered this presentation of Woman Forum of Albanian State Police Union as happy and awaited event for all the participants cited that “ The just revised regulation of police approved lately provides sustainable measures for including of the women at the ratio of 50% in each year at Police Academy. This is a special year as during 2011 we have accepted only females candidates applying at our Police Academy. This is a process related with the opening of our State Police towards human standards aiming to a right social representation of females in our State Police. Personally I pretty convinced that the possibility offered to women for a higher presence in police ranks as well as in leading police structures will be rewarded with high results, serious commitment and a great belief of the society towards this force
while the head of OSCE in Albania Mr. Eugen WOLLFARTH in his welcome speech guaranteed the further support of OSCE in this initiative taken by State Police.
“ I join all the persons who hope that today’s activity will help us to see an active Women Forum which will mainly promote the rights of women in police force and it will contribute in the creation of good working conditions for them.
He stressed that all this is done for an equilibrium and for a better police service for all the Albanian citizens, men and women together”
Meantime, the general Director of State Police Mr. Hysni BURGAJ expressing his pleasure for the growing up requests by females to join police an becoming part of police organization and moreover being included in important operational police structures as well as he guaranteed his support for the realization of such initiative.
He stressed out that “ You will all the needed support of the leaders of State Police to become part of police operations and your main direction will be focused towards terrain. I will be one of your supporters in order to add the number of females into police ranks and to achieve the percentage of females in international police organizations. Only in two last years we have accepted in our ranks 132 females. This number will be always growing up an our police organization due to you it will shape the needed physiognomy. We have to fight against the old concepts and mentalities among you to avoid the real police work in the cite.”