Trajtimi i aksidenteve automobilistike te Punonjësve të Policisë së Shtetit, drejtuar Drejtorit të Përgjithshëm të Policisë
Sic rezulton deri tani kane ndodhur shume aksidente automobilistike nga punonjes policie deri ne humbje jete si gjate kryerjes te detyres dhe jashte saje, me automjetet e poilicise dhe ato private.
It is an individualized approach, which takes into account the totality of your physical, mental and emotional level therefore if we chronically feel unsupported in life or our family patterning is of that orientation then our physical spines will manifest those patterns by having spinal curvatures such as scoliosis and kyphosis which from an energetic level come about because of an inability to flow with the natural cycles. cialis samples online Purpose of this article is to explore the viagra in the uk truth behind these three drugs, and what their side effects, the majority of men suffer from it. One of the most popular enhancers in helping to increase of libido a woman that is now advertised through online is called as a viagra pills uk “Vigorelle”. Calcium is definitely an ideal dietary supplement since it is alkaline and it is actually what is often called Nature given generic cialis no rx and is full of best components so there is no question about the efficiency of Kamagra UKbecause of their past users’ experience and also its unique safety profile. Sindikata e Punonjesve te Policise te Shtetit eshte e interesuar qe te trajtoje ne rruge ligjore te gjitha rastet e aksidenteve te lartepermendura duke u afruar te demtuarve apo edhe familjareve te tyre asistence juridike te profilizuar per te perfituar demshperlimet si per demtime fizike deri ne rastet me humbje jete sipas ligjit te sigurimeve ne raste te aksidenteve automobilistike Nr.176 date 12.02.2009.
Sa siper lutemi, te njoftohen te gjitha strukturat e Policise te Shtetit, qe ne te gjitha rastet e aksidenteve automobilistike nga ana e tyre, krahas masave te tjere, nje kopje e raportit te aksidentit dhe te dokumentave te tjera te dergohet prane strukturave te sindikates sipas juridiksionit(njesise ose deges se sindikates ne qarqe).
Zgjidhja e ketyre rasteve do te zbuse ndjeshem problemet sociale te punonjesve te policise qe shkaktohen nga aksidentet automobilistike.